Start blog cfp: Cities After Hours II

cfp: Cities After Hours II


stadtnachacht_ucl_cities_after_hourCall for Papers: Cities After Hours II

The Urban Laboratory of the University College London (UCL) hosts a second »Cities after Hours« colloquium on 25th May 2016.

»The shift from the diurnal to the nocturnal city will be the over-arching theme of the day’s talks. As the notion of London as a 24 hour city is debated and plans for the night tube put on hold, we will consider the way in which cities have been the loci of inclusion and exclusion, policing and controlling, afterhours. The historical relevance of the night-time curfew will be considered in relation to contemporary policing of night-time, addressing, for example, the implications of the state of emergency declared in France following the attacks in Paris in November 2015 which allows for the imposition of curfews by the state. The impact on the inhabitants of the city streets after hours will be considered in relation to the increasing use of “hostile architecture” in public spaces.«

Deadline: 4th April

Call for Paper
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Keynote lectures will be delivered by William Sharpe and Joachim Schlör (SN8: 19.06.2012).


via: Aron Bohmann (LSE Cities)

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