Start blog CFP: Nights Conference 2022 – Zurich

CFP: Nights Conference 2022 – Zurich


Open Call for Abstracts for Nights Science subconference in Zurich. Topics: all things night.

NIGHT(S)-Science aims to promote know-how transfer between academia and the private and public sector. NIGHT(S)-Science seeks to bring closer together research and practice. Submitted abstracts will be double blind peer-reviewed by our international scientific committees. NIGHT(S)-Science will happen on Friday the 12th of November and participants are invited to stay for the whole conference.

Abstract topics of interest, research Studies about:
Nightlife & Wellbeing // Nightlife industry and city planning // History(ies) of nightlife // Ethnography of nightlife spaces (formal/informal) // Nightlife industry: economic insights and perspectives // Ecological transition of the nightlife industry.

The Scientific committee consists of the following members: Marie-Avril Berthet, Nikhaela Wicks, Maria Giæver López, Christine Preiser, Jordi Nofre, Manuel Garcia-Ruiz, Carlo Fabian, Will Straw and Jakob F. Schmid (stadtnachacht). Selected papers will be invited to join a special issue for a scientific journal.

Deadline: 31 july 2022. The Nights conference will take place from the 10th to the 12th of November 2022 in Zurich Switzerland.

Call for Abstracts
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