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Krawall und Remmidemmi


Interessantes Papier von Alasdair J.M. Forsyth vom Scottish Centre for Crime and Criminal Justice Research. Es beschäftigt sich mit der Frage welchen Einfluss die Musikauswahl auf das Verhalten von Clubbesuchern und das „level of disorder“ hat. Kurzum: how music and music genre can govern the nightlife experience.

Forsyth, Alasdair J.M. (2009): ‚Lager, lager shouting: The role of music and DJs in nightclub disorder control‘, In: Adicciones (4/21), S. 327-345.
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Die Empirie, die dem Paper zu Grunde liegt, umfasste insgesamt 100 Stunden Beobachtung in acht Glasgower Clubs.

»Although music can foster an enjoyable night out, as was observed during this research, it can also have a dark-side, one which if not properly managed can result in problems.«

Das Paper gibt auch einen Überblick über den teilweise etwas widersprüchlichen Forschungsstand inwiefern sich Musikauswahl und Lautstärke auf den (Alkohol-)Konsum auswirken.

»For example in the USA, Drews and colleagues found that the mere presence of music in bars could increase consumption. In France, Gueguen and Colleagues found that louder music similarly increased alcohol consumption, while McElrea and Standing found that faster music also increased alcohol consumption rates.

In contrast to the above findings, another barroom study, by Bach and Schaefer also found that the tempo of music in bars affected consumption rates, however in their research country music with a slower tempo increased drinking rates. This finding implied that it was the effect that the slower forms of this genre had on listeners’ mood (i.e. it made them sad) which increased alcohol consumption.«

Scottish Centre for Crime and Criminal Justic Research, University of Glasgow

European Urban Knowledge Network (Fundort)

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