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Nightscapes: Geographies of Urban Nights

(© Nathan Berry)

Im Rahmen des Annual Meeting der Association of American Geographers (AAG) im April 2011 in Seattle fanden drei Paper Sessions zum Thema Nightscapes: Geographies of Urban Nights statt. Einige der Paper fanden auch Eingang in die dĂ©rive No. 44 mit dem Titelthema Urban Nightscapes – Die Eroberung der Nacht. Anbei die Vortragstitel der drei Sessions mit Link zu den Abstracts. Stadtnachacht wird versuchen bei weiteren Publikationen von Vorträgen diesen Post zu aktualisieren.

Guter Ăśberblick darĂĽber, wie die internationale (Stadt-)Geographenszene die Thematik Stadt und Nachtleben betrachtet.

»Research of spatial practices in cities, suburbs and beyond tends to concentrate on processes and events during day time; the urban night has been marginalised and underexposed in geographical scholarship. Insofar as urban nights have been examined, attention has been rather selective. Since the 1970s Melbin (1978, 1987) and others have studied the colonisation of the night and the 24/7 city – that is, the overflowing of day time activity, practices and processes into night time. And, in the wake of emerging geographies of consumption, interest has steadily increased in going out and clubbing (Malbon 1999; Hubbard 2005). This is closely related to work on the night-time economy, its contribution to urban revitalisation and such negative externalities as anti-social behaviour and discrimination (Chatterton and Hollands 2003; Talbot 2007; Eldridge and Roberts 2008; Shaw 2010). Overall, however, spatial practices and processes during night time have not been a key research frontier in our discipline…«


Nightscapes: Geographies of Urban Nights I

»The papers brought together in this session are theoretical and/or empirical studies about nightscapes and urban nights in all their dimensions.«

Tim Edensor (Manchester Metropolitan University)
Abstract Title: Darkness and Urban Space

Anne Beamish (MIT School of Architecture and Planning)
Abstract Title: Boston at Night: Development of an Urban Nocturnal Landscape

Yolande E. Pottie-Sherman (University of British Columbia)
Abstract Title: Nightime Leisure Culture and Social Engagement in Plural Societies: The Case of Vancouver’s Chinese Night Markets

Anne Vogelpohl (TU Berlin)
Abstract Title: Vibrant, Noisy, Selling? Producing Contradictions in 24/7-Neighborhoods

Jerome Tadie TADIE (UMR Prodig, I.R.D – Institut de Recherche pour le Developpment)
Abstract Title: Night and the City in Southeast Asian Metropoles


Nightscapes: Geographies of Urban Nights II

»…The papers brought together in this session are theoretical and/or empirical studies about nightscapes and urban nights in all their dimensions.«

Jelle Brands (Utrecht University)
Abstract Title: Every breath you take, every move you make, I’ll be watching you

Marie-Avril Berthet Meylan (MA Geography – UniversitĂ© Lumière Lyon II)
David Simonin (Engineer – Environmental Science EPFL)
Eva Nada (MA Sociology – UniversitĂ© de Lausanne)
Rafaël Schütz (BA Geosciences and Environment)
Abstract Title: Journey to the End of the Night – A research on the nightlife in Geneva

Ben Gallan (University of Wollongong)
Abstract Title: Night lives: youth transitions, heterotopia and the urban night

Timothy Reynolds (MLIS, MA Culture Studies – Harlingen Public Library)
Abstract Title: Night Haunts


Nightscapes: Geographies of Urban Nights III

»…The papers in this session are theoretically informed studies of policies and governance targeting various aspects of urban nights.«

Steve Millington (Manchester Metropolitan University)
Abstract Title: Regulating the night: night-time illumination and place making

Susanne Seitinger (MIT Media Lab)
Abstract Title: Planning the Nighttime Image of the City: A Review of Urban Lighting Masterplans

Robert Shaw (Durham University)
Abstract Title: ‚Alive After Five‘: Generating the Cosmopolitan Evening Economy in Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Jennie Middleton (University of Plymouth)
Abstract Title: A ‚good‘ night out?: Exploring the geographies of urban street pastors

Teresa Alves (University of Lisbon)
Abstract Title: Services: Opportunities and Innovation in the Territory at the night


Die Paper Sessions wurden von Tim Schwanen (University of Oxford), Irina Van Aalst (Utrecht University) und Ilse Van Liempt organisiert, die auch in das Forschungsprojekt stadsnachtwacht, welches sich mit Videoüberwachung (CCTV) in Ausgehquartieren beschäftigt, eingebunden sind (vgl. hierzu auch Van Aalst et al. in dérive No.44 2011).

Auf der Projektseite findet man auch unten stehende auf dem Annual Meeting gehaltenen Präsentationen zum Thema Nachtleben und Sicherheit.

Ilse van Liempt
Safe Nightlife Programs – rationales, local differences and side effects
12.04.2011, Seattle

Irina van Aalst (Utrecht University)
Rhythms of the Night
14.04.2011, Seattle





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