Foto: Alessia Cibin
Stadtanachacht is media partner for Alessia Cibin’s PhD study at the University of Technology Sydney 

Conflicting rationalities in Sydney’s night-time economy prior to and during the Covid-19 pandemic

How do different groupings impacted by the night-time economy perceive the governing and impact of the night-time economy in Sydney? What is the role of conflicting rationalities in shaping night-time economy policies? 

These are two primary research questions that the study aims to answer. Conflicting rationalities are at the heart of Sydney’s night-time economy. The introduction of the Lockout Laws in 2014, its later relaxation in February 2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic has brought to the fore contestations, controversial forms of intervention, and symbolic governmental processes. The politicization of the urban night is being studied in the emerging field of night-time economy research; however, it is still an under-researched area. The concept of conflicting rationalities is helpful to analyse the different views of actors around regulatory policy changes in the night-time economy prior to and during the Covid-19 pandemic. In particular, conflicting rationalities helps in highlighting power relations, irreconcilable claims, contested values and meanings. This research will hopefully contribute to an enhanced understanding of the role and impact of the NTE and the policies that govern it. The outcomes will be of value for local and state governments, policy makers and practitioners, and scholars interested in the challenges and opportunities the night-time economy presents. 

Alessia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which she lives and works, the Gadigal people of the Eora nation. She also pays her respect to Elders past and present.

,,I am honoured to share with Stadtnachacht the research contents of my PhD study. This is a great opportunity to expand our network internationally, 
welcome the Australian community and learn from their experience around the night-time economy and its regulation.
Alessia Cibin

Alessia Cibin is a PhD fellow at the Institute for Public Policy and GovernanceFaculty of Design Architecture and Building, University of Technology Sydney. Her research has been awarded UTS President’s Scholarship and International Research Scholarship. The supervisors are: Prof. Alan Morris, A/Prof. John Wright (UTS IPPG). She is also an expert member at STADTNACHACHT.

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