Start blog Wettbewerb: Winter City

Wettbewerb: Winter City


Kälte und Dunkelheit trotzen! Wettbewerb sucht winter(nacht)taugliche Konzepte für outdoor Veranstaltungen.

Die Plattform Innosite sucht innovative Open Air Konzepte fĂĽr die Winternacht. Am Beispiel des ToftegĂĄrds Plads im Kopenhagener Stadtteil Valby sollen konkret umsetzbare Ideen entwickelt und umgesetzt werden.

» Coldness and darkness are the preconditions for the creation of any winter event in the city. This has meant that public spaces have not been used very often for events in the winter. Last year in Denmark the winter lasted almost 7 months…

You should design a solution, which can support and enhance the experience of an open-air concert in February. […] Your project can involve light, projection, heating, movement, contrasts, sequences, interaction and communication. You do not need to have all the technical solutions in place, but you should account for the concept and design, and for how the overall project is supposed to work. Your account should also include a description of which particular wintry challenge your design sets out to solve.«

Innosite ist eine Initiative der Realdania Stiftung und der Dänischen Energie Agentur.

Das Preisgeld umfasst insgesamt etwa 3.300 Euro.
Konzeptideen können bis zum 15. Januar eingereicht werden.


Winter City Competition from Open Air Neighborhood on Vimeo.

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